Blackpool multiversity compulsory purchase order published

The compulsory purchase order giving Blackpool Council power to clear the site needed for the £65m multiversity has now been published.

The order was granted on January 30th by an independent planning inspector following a public inquiry last November and December.

It lists properties in Cookson Street. Milbourne Street, Charles Street and George Street which the council needs to acquire in order to assemble the remaining 20 per cent of the site.

Council documents setting out the details of the CPO say “whilst efforts to negotiate acquisitions will continue, the council is now in a position to execute the compulsory purchase powers to acquire the outstanding interests.”

The order includes permission “to proceed with the publication and serving of the statutory notice of confirmation of the Compulsory Purchase Order”.

It also enables the council: “Where appropriate, to continue to negotiate for the voluntary acquisition of any remaining property, and to continue to negotiate compensation.

“Where necessary, to take such steps as are necessary to secure vacant possession of the properties needed for the Multiversity development, including (but not limited to) instructing the sheriff.”

It is hoped construction will begin later this year with the multiversity due to open to students in late 2027.

Outline planning permission was granted in 2024 for five floors of education space to deliver more than 70 individual courses directly linked to local employment needs.

The second phase of development will allow expansion space for the college’s future plans but in the short term the area will be used for parking.

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