Controversial plans to turn a large residential home in Cleveleys into a house of multiple occupation (HMO) have been approved by planners at Wyre.
The proposals, for a change of use from a dwellinghouse on Beach Road to an 8-bed HMO with window alterations, sparked concern amongst neighbours.
Worries were expressed about anti-social behaviour and parking problems.
The application, by SEMPRO Ltd, was recommended for approval by the planning officer, with a number of conditions attached.
And councillors on Wyre’s planning committee gave the scheme the green light at the latest meeting on Wednesday (November 6).
However, the vote was close, tied at six for and six against, before the deciding vote by committee chairman, Coun Richard Rendall, who represents Cleveleys Park ward.
The planning application was presented before Wyre’s planning committee at the request of ward member, Coun Rob Fail, who spoke against the plans.
He raised concerns in relation to HMO requirements not being met, concerns with the design and visual impact and with the parking proposals were cited for the application being brought before planners.
One objection was summarised: “Plans show minimal communal space and, considering the large number of occupants proposed, this is inadequate and could result in occupants socialising directly outside the property, generating an opportunity for nuisance and anti-social behaviour.“
Another voiced concerns online: “This application will devalue existing property prices and discourage people from investing in bringing families into Cleveleys which is close to amenities for families to enjoy.”
But the planning officer concluded: “HMOs are common in urban residential locations such as this.
“The proposal is acceptable in principle and meets the criteria on HMOs set out in Policy HP10 of the Local Plan.
“There will not be unacceptable harm on neighbouring or visual amenities. There are no highway or parking concerns. The proposal complies with the relevant Policies of the Adopted Local Plan and the NPPF. “