Plans to change a residential house in Cleveleys into a small children’s home have been refused by planners.
The proposals went before Wyre’s planning committee on Wednesday (December 4) with recommendations by the planning officer to permit the scheme.
Councillors considered the respective merits and drawbacks of the application, which was for a proposed change of use from a residential dwelling (Use Class C3) on Cambridge Road to a children’s residential care home (Use Class C2) for up to one child and up to two carers at any one time.
There was one letter of objection, citing concerns over increased traffic, parking and noise concerns.
In recommending the application, the planning officer stated: “The proposed change of use to a residential care home for one child is considered acceptable in principle and the use is compatible with the neighbouring residential uses whilst being within a suitable location.
“The proposal would not result in detrimental harm to neighbouring residential amenity and would not result in significant impact on highway safety, capacity or amenity in the immediate vicinity of the site.”
However. it was agreed that the proposed change of use would result in an intensification of activity at the site, with the frequency and pattern of visits by staff leading to an increased demand for car parking.
Staff movements to/from the property on a regular and frequent basis, would result in an unacceptable impact on neighbouring amenity in terms of noise and disturbance.
And an increase in vehicles associated with the development and the inadequate parking at the site would result in an unwelcome hike in on-street parking which would result in harm to highway amenity with the potential for restricting vehicle and pedestrian movements.