Plans to build 93 homes in the Norcross area between Thornton and Anchorsholme have been resubmitted to planners.
The application comes two years after similar proposals were approved by Wyre’s planning committee.
Those plans had been part of an earlier scheme which included a retail development to bring Taco Bell to the area, with the retail part of the development being scrapped.
The latest proposals were submitted to Wyre planners on behalf of McDermott Homes on November 27 and there are currently few details to accompany the application.
The plans include 93 homes being built with associated car parking, landscaping, open space improvements and access from Norcross Lane, seeking a variation on the previous planning permission granted two years ago.
One objection to the latest proposals has been lodged, raising concerns over flooding issues and traffic concerns, particularly in regard to the impact on the already busy Norcross roundabout.
It is likely the latest application will go before Wyre’s planning committee at a later date.