A road leading off Blackpool Promenade looks set to be made one-way as part of proposals to create a new £442,000 parking scheme.
Drivers will be banned from using Harrow Place in South Shore to reach the seafront if moves to restrict traffic are introduced.
Blackpool Council is seeking to make changes to the access to Harrow Place, between Clifton Drive and the Promenade, meaning it will be open to eastbound traffic only.
The Labour-run council is now set to publicise the traffic regulation order and will consider any objections before a final decision is made.
The proposed changes are necessary to accommodate a parking scheme which is being built for the residents of luxury apartments at Coastal Point. The council is borrowing £442,000 to create a residents-only parking scheme with the money set to be recouped through parking permits.
A town hall report says: “To implement the proposed new parking arrangement an eastbound one-way system is needed to facilitate the proposal.”
Squires Gate Conservative councillor Carl Mitchell has previously warned the council may not be able to recoup the money it is set to borrow for the scheme.
He said: “The layout of the street will require a complete change costing taxpayers over £400,000. The Labour council should not be using public money to finance the parking dispute between property owners and the developers.”