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Update on maternity services following ‘requires improvement’ rating

Maternity services in Blackpool continue to be monitored at a national level but a new report says an action plan to improve care is close to completion.

Changes have also been made in response to a review of women’s experiences on the maternity wards at Blackpool Victoria Hospital with a survey in March finding patients were ‘very satisfied’ with their care.

A report published in September 2022 following an inspection by the CQC (Care Quality Commission) rated Blackpool’s maternity services as ‘Requires

Improvement’ and 13 areas for improvement were identified.

A progress report due to be presented to Blackpool Council’s Adult Social Care and Health Scrutiny Committee on April 3 says 59 actions were set out in response to the inspection with the action plan now “nearing completion and sign off.”

The department continues to be supported by the National Maternity Safety Support Programme (MSSP) and while progress has been acknowledged, Blackpool will remain on the programme to ensure embedding of improvements with a further meeting arranged for May 2025.

Among the improvements listed in the report to the scrutiny committee are – 

Every mother is given a named midwife for the day who is responsible for

their care and is a point of contact for any needs. Ward information materials have been developed about admission, the ward environment and facilities.

Bespoke bed boards have been made and located by each bed with information that women would like sharing, for example their preferred name and feeding information.

Listening to mothers and their families – regular surveys have been introduced to gather real time insights directly from new mothers as to what is going well and still needs to improve.

The Maternity Matron speaks to all women every day. The patient engagement team have also ensured a listener volunteer attends the ward to speak to women and their families and can raise any issues promptly to the midwifery team.

Other improvements include open visiting for families throughout the day and support of partner overnight; lockers with digital keypads have also been purchased and placed by every bedside so that belongings are secure; midwives carry out regular checks two hourly to address issues of pain relief and personal needs.

Blackpool Healthwatch undertook a patient engagement session in March which according to the report found patients “were very satisfied with their care” and described staff “as friendly, caring, and supportive”.

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