AN East Lancashire social housing association has been given a government ‘green’ grant to improve the energy performance of dozens of its properties and cut householders’ bills.
Calico Homes has been successful in their Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund (SHDF) bid to fit out 181 homes across Burnley and Padiham at a cost of £3.5million over the next two years.
The aim of the project is to lower the energy cost of customer homes by using a ‘fabric first – no regrets’ approach, which will include work such as wall and loft insulation, ventilation and energy efficient lighting.
The planned work will lower the energy required to keep people warm in their homes and reduce the Burnley-based organisations carbon footprint..
The SHDF is a Government scheme to enable housing associations across the country to ensure progress is made on decarbonising homes.
Wave 2.2 of the SHDF fund will see £80m allocated to social housing providers across England in a bid to deliver warm, energy-efficient homes, reduce carbon emissions, tackle fuel poverty and support green jobs.
In addition to receiving SHDF grant, Calico Homes is also investing £25 million improving its existing homes across Burnley and Padiham over a five year period.
A survey by tenants has determined which type of work will be carried out to existing homes.
Wendy Malone, director of property at The Calico Group said: “We are delighted to have been awarded funding to improve the energy performance of 181 homes and continuing the work we are doing to improve the quality of our homes.
“The funding we have received to carry out this work will have a huge impact on our customers’ lives.
“With energy costs continuing to rise, this work will help lessen the burden for residents and reduce costs having a significant impact on their lives.”