Tens of thousands of pounds is being invested into deterring crime and tackling offending, after the latest investment through the Commissioner’s Safer Lancashire Neighbourhoods Fund, which utilises cash taken from criminals, was announced.
12 projects have received funding to support work within their communities, that meet the Commissioner’s fighting crime plan priorities and are aimed at making a positive, lasting difference to people for communities.
Schemes in this latest tranche range from diversionary activity, awareness around sexual violence and offences, and engagement with young people to avoid them getting involved in crime and the criminal justice system.
The fund, established in 2021 at the launch of the Commissioner’s Police and Crime Plan, uses cash seized by criminals through the Proceeds of Crime act to fund community projects that help tackle his five key priorities.
A total of £143,000 has now been given to 20 projects from across the county.
Speaking about the funding, Andrew Snowden, Lancashire’s Police and Crime Commissioner said:
“I’m delighted that we’ve again been able to support community groups across Lancashire through my Safer Lancashire Neighbourhoods Fund, as we continue to tackle crime and re-offending across the county and protect the public.
“By backing community projects that make areas safer and deter crime, we’re supporting the officers that are taking the fight to criminals, and the work that the Constabulary is doing to keep people safe.
“There is always a poetic irony in using cash seized from criminals and pumping it back into the communities they once exploited, helping us fund projects that address underlying causes of crimes bettering the lives of those in the community.”
For more information on the Safer Lancashire Neighbourhoods Fund, visit https://www.lancashire-pcc.gov.uk/grant-funding/safer-lancashire-neighbourhoods-fund
Local projects receiving funding in this round:
Fleetwood Town Community Trust – Wyre – Targeting specific ASB hotspot areas in Fleetwood following consultations with young people, with young club facilities and diversionary activity. - £10,000
The Washington Group (Northwest CIC) – Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre – targeted events around sexualisation in schools colleges, wider community – working with education, police, councils and charities. £8,550
AFC Fylde Community Foundation - Fylde – support for those who have witnessed or been subjected to Domestic Abuse, working with young people across the Fylde area - £9,750
Freckleton Parish Council - Freckleton – Extension to CCTV system that covers Memorial Park and Main Road area - £1,100