Tomorrow marks the 40th Anniversary of the drowning of PC Colin Morrison, PC Angela Bradley, PC Gordon Connolly who tragically died whilst attempting to rescue Alistair Anthony who had entered the sea at Gynn Square Blackpool.
Alistair, a visitor to Blackpool, had entered the sea in an attempt to rescue his dog.
Sadly, Alistair also perished during this incident and a fourth Officer, PC Abram who entered the sea on two separate occasions, was fortunately rescued and survived the incident.
A memorial service will be held at the Memorial Garden, Gynn Square in Blackpool tomorrow (5th Jan 2023) for the 40th anniversary of the Blackpool Sea Tragedy.
Speaking ahead of the service, Supt Chris Hardy says:
"As is the case each year, we will gather, remember and then fall silent to recognise the ultimate sacrifice the officers paid on this day.
The formal event open to all, led by Chief Constable Chris Rowley, will start at 13:30 hrs on Thursday 5th January 2023 and we ask that those attending are present no later than 13:20hrs. It will conclude around 14:15 hrs."
All are welcome to join colleagues past and present and our blue light colleagues and partners in remembering this tragic event.
The event will be held at the dedicated memorial plaque within Jubilee Gardens, Gynn Square (opposite the Savoy Hotel) and car parking is available opposite - FY1 2JR.
A plaque will be unveiled in the company of Chief Constable Chris Rowley.
If you wish to attend, please arrive by 13:20. The service will start at 13:30.