A 1950s former council estate is to get 68 new homes as the latest stage of a £20million facelift.
Together Housing has revealed proposals for the properties on Staffa Crescent at Shadsworth, Blackburn.
The proposals include 24, one-bedroom apartments, 22 two-bedroom flats, 19 three-bed houses and 3 four-bed houses,all available for affordable rent.
The social housing provider and its partner Place Capital Group have submitted a planning application for the new homes to Blackburn with Darwen Council.
The mix of spacious family housing, along with homes for individuals and couples, will replace existing properties on Staffa Crescent currently being knocked down.
Together Housing says the scheme using three sites near Knuzden Brook responds to demand for more affordable housing in the Blackburn area.
The proposals have been brought forward following consultation with estate residents, which originally commenced in Autumn 2021 as part of its £20m investment into the wider Shadsworth housing estate.
Following extensive investigations, looking at various options to retrofit, remodel, and improve them the previous buildings on site are currently being demolished.
The consultation concluded that demolition and rebuilding would be the best way to bring to provide high-quality, much-needed affordable housing for local people.
The ‘Knuzden Gateway’ plans include proposals for energy efficient homes with solar panels, air source heat pumps to keep bills low for residents who move into them and help tackle climate change.
The plans also include improved parking, bike storage, private gardens, and characterful landscaping to create a rich bio-diverse environment for local residents.
The green area adjacent to Staffa Crescent will be improved with new play equipment, tree planting, and bulbs and plants rich in bio-diversity.
The new homes form part of a larger programme of investment in the Shadsworth estate, which includes a new youth hub, upgrades to the park off Rothesay Road, investment in existing homes on the estate, tree planting, benches and bins, and improved walking and cycling routes through and around the estate.
Matthew Newman, assistant director for place shaping at Together Housing, said: “Together with Place Capital Group, we want to ensure our residents feel their community is somewhere they can take deep pride in.
“It was important that we listened to feedback so that our proposals reflected residents’ views before submitting to the council.
“Residents have been open and honest about what they want to see from this investment and we’re eager to deliver these changes to create a lasting community in Shadsworth.”