As the excitement builds for Chorley’s Christmas Lights Switch On taking place on Sunday, Chorley Council and Chorley FC have made a further exciting announcement about the special guests.
Fellow Boyzone bandmate Keith Duffy along with former Westlife member, Brian McFadden, who together are Boyzlife, will be joining Shane Lynch, to do the honours of turning Chorley’s Christmas Lights On.
Shane, Keith and Brian play integral roles in enhancing the visibility of the Chorley FC and helping drive the commercial side of operations.
The event is sponsored by Chorley Eats, with the big switch on taking place at 5pm following an afternoon of fantastic stage entertainment
The Totally Locally Chorley Christmas Market will be on in the town centre on the same day from 10am – 6pm.
See www.checkoutchorley.com/Christmas for the latest information.